Stream last value table module

You can use the stream last value table module to monitor the last recorded value on a set of streams at a glance.

Prerequisite: Persist last known value setting

Before you can monitor the last value of a stream in the stream last value table, you'll have to enable Persist last known value on that stream. When this setting is enabled on a stream, it will cache the last datapoint ingested until a new datapoint is ingested. If this setting is disabled, the stream will not be able to supply data to the stream last value table module.

Step 1: Create a stream last value table module

  1. In Formant, navigate to the device view to which you want to add a stream last value table module. You can do this by going to Settings >> Views and selecting the view you want, or by clicking on your device, going to the desired view, and clicking the dropdown arrow next to the view >> Edit... >> Edit Layout.
  2. In the Edit Layout window, click Add Module >> Stream last value table.

Step 2: Configure your module

Basic configuration

Realtime modeIf set to ON, this module will disconnect from the current position on the timeline and always show current data from the stream last value table.

Set this to ON when using in teleoperation.
Font size (px)Font size in pixels.
Row height (px)Row height in pixels.

Text streams

NameName of the text stream you want to monitor. Persist Last Known Value must be set to ON for this stream.
Expected valueOptional expected value for the stream. If actual stream values fall within the expected value, the stream will display as blue. If actual stream values fall outside of the expected value, the stream will display as orange.
Fit rows to windowIf ON, window will display one stream per row. If OFF, multiple streams may be displayed in table window in a single row.

Numeric set streams

NameName of the numeric set stream you want to monitor. Persist Last Known Value must be set to ON for this stream.
Expected valueOptional expected value for the stream. If actual stream values fall within the expected value, the stream will display as blue. If actual stream values fall outside of the expected value, the stream will display as orange.
Expected value nameOptional name of this expected value.
Greater thanOptional expected value for the stream. If actual stream values fall within the expected value, the stream will display as blue. If actual stream values fall outside of the expected value, the stream will display as orange.
Less thanOptional expected value for the stream. If actual stream values fall within the expected value, the stream will display as blue. If actual stream values fall outside of the expected value, the stream will display as orange.
Fit rows to windowIf ON, window will display one stream per row. If OFF, multiple streams may be displayed in table window in a single row.

Numeric streams

NameName of the numeric stream you want to monitor. Persist Last Known Value must be set to ON for this stream.
Greater thanOptional expected value for the stream. If actual stream values fall within the expected value, the stream will display as blue. If actual stream values fall outside of the expected value, the stream will display as orange.
Less thanOptional expected value for the stream. If actual stream values fall within the expected value, the stream will display as blue. If actual stream values fall outside of the expected value, the stream will display as orange.
Fit rows to windowIf ON, window will display one stream per row. If OFF, multiple streams may be displayed in table window in a single row.

Bitset streams

NameName of the bitset stream you want to monitor. Persist Last Known Value must be set to ON for this stream.
Expected valueOptional expected value for the stream. If actual stream values fall within the expected value, the stream will display as blue. If actual stream values fall outside of the expected value, the stream will display as orange.
KeyOptional expected value for the stream. If actual stream values fall within the expected value, the stream will display as blue. If actual stream values fall outside of the expected value, the stream will display as orange.
ValueOptional expected boolean value for this key. If actual stream values fall within the expected value, the stream will display as blue. If actual stream values fall outside of the expected value, the stream will display as orange.
Fit rows to windowIf ON, window will display one stream per row. If OFF, multiple streams may be displayed in table window in a single row.


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