Fleet observability

Effective fleet management is a critical undertaking for companies with diverse robot fleets. A major component of this is fleet observability, or the ability to gain comprehensive, real-time insights into the status, performance, and behavior of multiple robots operating simultaneously. Beyond simple monitoring, the Formant platform provides a holistic view of your entire fleet's operations, allowing for proactive management and quick troubleshooting.

Onboard and manage your fleet

Quickly onboard fleets of devices using device configuration templates and bulk provisioning.

Device configuration templates

In Formant, you can create a unique device configuration comprising preconfigured data streams, the data ingestion rate, SSH permissions, adapters, and more.

Rather than configure each device individually, you can create a device configuration template and apply it to sets of devices as you add them to your organization.

Creating a device configuration template.

Creating a device configuration template.

Provision many devices with the Formant agent

The Formant agent is a lightweight tool which sets up data pipelines on your device and processes incoming data, such as encoding video. The agent is installed via a provisioning token generated for each device. When adding a set of devices to your organization, you can quickly generate tokens for all devices using the bulk provisioning feature.



Organize devices into groups

Groups are logical sets of devices in Formant. You might create a group for a set of devices in the same location, or with a certain configuration. Using groups, you can create data dashboards and analytics for any cross-section of your fleet.

Once you've created a group, you can generate data dashboards to view live feeds, historical data, and analytics.

Telemetry and analytics data for a device group.

Telemetry and analytics data for a device group.



Observability and multi-device video

Within a group view, you're able to your entire fleet using the video module, which allows you to initialize a real-time session to your camera, or play back recorded video alongside other data indicators and analytics.

Multi-device video in a group view.

Multi-device video in a group view.

The video module accepts many video streams, and organizes data along custom criteria you define, such as the device's location, type, or operator.

You can section data by custom criteria, such as device type.

Sectioning data by custom criteria, such as device type.



See also


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