Query events in Analytics

Within the custom SQL editor in Formant Analytics, you can view and query event data in your organization. You can use the table viewer to query events by type, device ID, time of occurrence, and more.

Viewing available parameters to query in the custom SQL editor.

Viewing available parameters to query in the custom SQL editor.

Event types

You can query the following event types:

Formant event typeTable name
Datapoint ingestionquery_datapoint_event
Intervention requestquery_intervention_request
Intervention responsequery_intervention_response
Start of teleoperation sessionquery_teleop_session_record
Start of port forwarding sessionquery_port_forwarding_session_record
Command sent from Formant to devicequery_command_request
Command response sent from device to Formantquery_command_response
Command from Formant received by devicequery_command_delivery
Custom eventquery_custom_event
Built-in Formant systemquery_system_event
Task summaryquery_task_summary

Parameters by event type

You can query event tables by the following parameters:

Datapoints and triggered events


idID of this individual event.
organization_idID of the organization in which this event occurred.
timeTime that the event occurred.
viewedWhether this event has been viewed in the Formant web application.
device_idID of the device associated with this event.
tagsTags associated with this event.
typeThis will likely be datapoint-event or triggered-event.
messageOnly used for custom events. Name of the custom event.
stream_nameStream which triggered this event.
stream_typeDatatype of the stream which triggered this event.
severitySeverity of the event (info, warning, critical, error).
notification_enabledWhether this event will generate notifications in the Formant web application.
end_timeTimestamp of the end of this event (if applicable).
duration_msDuration in ms from the time parameter to the end_time parameter.

Intervention requests


idID of this individual event.
organization_idID of the organization in which this event occurred.
timeTime that the event occurred.
viewedWhether this event has been viewed in the Formant web application.
device_idID of the device associated with this event.
tagsTags associated with this event.
messageOnly used for custom events.
intervention_typeEither selection or labeling.
dataPrompt to be shown to the user to resolve the intervention. For more information, see POST Intervention Request.


idID of this individual event.
organization_idID of the organization in which this event occurred.
timeTime that the event occurred.
viewedWhether this event has been viewed in the Formant web application.
device_idID of the device associated with this event.
tagsTags associated with this event.
messageOnly used for custom events.
intervention_typeEither selection or labeling.
dataUser response to the intervention. For more information, see POST Intervention Response.
user_idID of the user related to this intervention request.
request_idID of the intervention request to which this is a response.
request_dataPrompt to be shown to the user to resolve the intervention. For more information, see POST Intervention Request .
request_messageThe intervention request message.
request_timeCreation time of the intervention request.
duration_msTime in ms between the intervention request and the intervention response.



idID of this individual event.
organization_idID of the organization in which this event occurred.
timeTime that the event occurred.
viewedWhether this event has been viewed in the Formant web application.
device_idID of the device associated with this event.
tagsTags associated with this event.
messageOnly used for custom events.
user_idID of the user related to this intervention request.
command_idID of this command instance.


idID of this individual event.
organization_idID of the organization in which this event occurred.
timeTime that the event occurred.
viewedWhether this event has been viewed in the Formant web application.
device_idID of the device associated with this event.
tagsTags associated with this event.
messageOnly used for custom events.
command_idID of this command instance.
request_messageThe command request message.
request_timeTime at which the command was sent by the Formant web application.
duration_msTime elapsed between the command request and the command response.


idID of this individual event.
organization_idID of the organization in which this event occurred.
timeTime that the event occurred.
viewedWhether this event has been viewed in the Formant web application.
device_idID of the device associated with this event.
tagsTags associated with this event.
command_idID of this command instance.
request_messageThe command request message.
request_timeTime at which the command was sent by the Formant web application.
duration_msTime elapsed between the command request in the Formant web application and its receipt on the device.

Session events


idID of this individual event.
organization_idID of the organization in which this event occurred.
timeTime that the event occurred.
viewedWhether this event has been viewed in the Formant web application.
device_idID of the device associated with this event.
tagsTags associated with this event.
messageMessage of the event.
intervention_typeInternal use only, ignore.
dataInternal use only, ignore.
user_idID of the user associated with this teleoperation session.
end_timeTime at which the teleoperation session ended.
duration_msDuration in ms of the teleoperation session.


idID of this individual event.
organization_idID of the organization in which this event occurred.
timeTime that the event occurred.
viewedWhether this event has been viewed in the Formant web application.
device_idID of the device associated with this event.
tagsTags associated with this event.
messageMessage of the event.
intervention_typeInternal use only, ignore.
dataInternal use only, ignore.
user_idID of the user associated with this port forwarding session.
end_timeTime at which the port forwarding session ended.
duration_msDuration in ms of the port forwarding session.

Comments and mission notation


idID of this individual event.
organization_idID of the organization in which this event occurred.
timeTime that the event occurred.
viewedWhether this event has been viewed in the Formant web application.
device_idID of the device associated with this event.
tagsTags associated with this event.
messageMessage of the event.
user_idID of the user associated with this comment.


idID of this individual event.
organization_idID of the organization in which this event occurred.
timeTime that the event occurred.
viewedWhether this event has been viewed in the Formant web application.
device_idID of the device associated with this event.
tagsTags associated with this event.
messageMessage of the event.
user_idID of the user associated with this annotation.
end_timeTimestamp which marks the end of this annotation.
annotation_template_idID of the annotation template from which this annotation was created.
noteDescription of this annotation.
duration_msDuration in ms between time and end_time.


idID of this individual event.
organization_idID of the organization in which this event occurred.
timeTime that the event occurred.
viewedWhether this event has been viewed in the Formant web application.
device_idID of the device associated with this event.
tagsTags associated with this event.
messageMessage of the event.
end_timeEnd time of this task.
task_summary_format_idID of the task summary format from which this task summary was created.
reportJSON data on this task in key-value pairs.
task_idID of this task summary.
deleted_atInternal use only, ignore.
duration_msDuration in ms between time and end_time.


idID of this individual event.
organization_idID of the organization in which this event occurred.
timeTime that the event occurred.
viewedWhether this event has been viewed in the Formant web application.
device_idID of the device associated with this event.
tagsTags associated with this event.
messageMessage of the event.
typeInternal use only, ignore.

Custom events


idID of this individual event.
organization_idID of the organization in which this event occurred.
timeTime that the event occurred.
viewedWhether this event has been viewed in the Formant web application.
device_idID of the device associated with this event.
tagsTags associated with this event.
messageMessage of the custom event, as defined when creating the custom event with the Agent SDK or Admin API.
severitySeverity of the event (info, warning, critical, error).
typeInternal use only, ignore.


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