Add a custom module

This guide will show you how to load a custom module in Formant.

GIF showing where to find the Custom Module interface

Navigating to the custom module screen.

  1. Go to .
  2. In the top left of the page, open the menu and go to Settings >> Modules >> Add module.
  3. Give your custom module a name and click Continue.
  4. Fill in the fields.
Property NameUsage
NameCustom module name.
URLURL of the server where your custom module application is running.
DescriptionBrief description of your module which appears in the Modules list.
Configuration schema URLURL of the JSON schema used by your custom module.
Preview image URL(optional) URL of a preview image for your custom module.
Icon image URL(optional) URL of an icon for your custom module.
Help URL(optional) URL to help documentation for your custom module.
Has fullscreen mode?Set to True if your custom module supports fullscreen mode.
  1. Click Save.

Your custom module should now show up in your list of Modules. You can now add your custom module to a View for your Device.

See also


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