Device states
Q: What are the different device states or device statuses in Formant?
The device has been created in Formant, and can be configured, but has not yet been provisioned. The Formant agent is not running on this device, so it cannot ingest data.
This is the state after completing Steps 1 and 2 of Installing the Formant agent.
An agent has been provisioned for this device. The agent can ingest data and upload it to Formant.
This is the state after completing Installing the Formant agent.
The reprovisioning workflow has been started, but is not complete. This is the case when a reprovisioning token has been generated for the device, but not yet installed. In this state, the old agent is no longer able to ingest data.
This is the state after completing Steps 1 and 2 of Re-provisioning an agent.
Once all steps of Re-provisioning an agent are complete, the device is Provisioned.
The device is removed from your Formant organization, and the agent is no longer able to ingest data.
To ingest data, you'll have to Create and then Provision the device.
Updated 10 months ago