Add a stream to the overview page

Telemetry data streams can have their last ingested value displayed on the overview page in the table, device cards, or both.

  1. Navigate to the Settings>Streams page of the Formant app

  1. After selecting the stream you would like to add to the table:
    1. To enable the data in the “List” view of the overview page, set “Persist last known value” to “Active” and “Display stream as column” to “Display as column”. Click save.
    2. To enable the data in the device card, set “Persist last known value” to Active and “Display stream as a row” to “Display as row”. Click save.
    3. To enable this data in both list and card view, enable “Persist last known value” to “Active”, “Display stream as column” to “Display as column”, “Display stream as a row” to “Display as row”, and click save.
  1. Return to the landing page and click “List”. Device’s last known value of that data stream will now appear in a new column with the stream name. To see the device cards, select Devices in the sidebar on the right.