Querying for telemetry stream data

You can use the Cloud SDK to query telemetry stream data for analysis. Telemetry stream data must be ingested by the Formant agent before it can be queried. For more information on data ingestion, see Data ingestion from a device and Data ingestion from anywhere.


Querying data from the command line

If you want to query data directly from the command line, you'll want to use the fctl tool. For more information on fctl, see Installing and credentialing fctl.

Query syntax and parameters

For a code sample which shows query syntax and relevant parameters, see the following example on our GitHub page: GitHub: query.py.

Required parameters

You'll notice that the query contains start and end parameters. If a query contains only those two parameters, all telemetry datapoints from all devices in your organization whose timestamps fall between start and end will be returned. As seen in the above example, you'll want to use other parameters, such as device ID or tags, to narrow down your query response.

Timestamp formatting

start and end are RFC3339 formatted timestamps. (e.g. 2021-01-01T01:00:00.000Z)

All timestamps are UTC. When using the Cloud SDK, it may be useful to toggle UTC timestamps in the Formant web application.


Toggling UTC timestamps may make life easier while using the Cloud SDK.

Other parameters

To further narrow down your query, you can use the optional query parameters:

Query parameterUsage
deviceIdsFilter by device ID.
namesFilter by device name.
notNamesExclude devices with this name.
typesFilter by stream type. For a complete list of stream types, see How telemetry streams work.
tagsFilter by tags applied to the device.


Queries can be too large

Your query may be unsuccessful if you request too much data. If this happens, you'll see the following error:

requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 413 Client Error: Payload Too Large for url: https://api.formant.io/v1/queries/queries

If this happens, try narrowing your query further by applying more parameters, or by narrowing your time range.


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