Admin API parameter reference

The table below provides a reference for common parameters in the Admin API.

POSTCreate a new account.
organizationIdID of the organization to which this account belongs.
nameName of this account.
parentIdID of the parent account to this account. If this is the top-level account, enter null.
LISTList all accounts in this Formant organization.
GET ONEGet account by account ID.
idID of the account whose information you want to get.
PATCHUpdate existing account.
idID of the account you want to update.
DELETEDelete account.
idID of the account you want to delete.
GET ACCOUNT TREEGet account tree.
idID of the account whose account tree you want to get.
POSTCreate a new adapter.
organizationIDID of the organization to which you want to apply this adapter.
nameName of this adapter.
fileIdID of the zip file which contains the adapter you want to add.
execCommandEnter the execution command to start this adapter (typically ./
configurationSchemaEnter the configuration schema for this adapter (max 5000 characters).
LISTList all adapters for this Formant organization.
GET ONEGet an adapter by adapter ID.
idID of the adapter you want to get.
PATCHUpdate an adapter.
idID of the adapter you want to update.
DELETEDelete an adapter.
idID of the adapter you want to delete.
Custom event
POSTCreate a new custom event.
typeSet this to 'custom'.
severitySeverity of the event.
tagsTags associated with this event.
organizationIdID of the organization in which you want to create this new custom event.
timeStart time of the data range relevant to this event.
endTimeEnd time of the data range relevant to this event.
parentIdIf this custom event is related to another event, you can add the ID of that parent event here.
metadataUser-customizable metadata associated with this event in key-value pair format.
messageMessage of this event. Must match the message field in the Formant UI when configuring a custom event.
deviceIdID of the device relevant to this event.
eventTriggerIdIf you want to trigger this custom event off an existing event trigger, add the event trigger ID here.
notificationEnabledSet this to true to enable notifications for this custom event.
POSTCreate a new role.
organizationIdID of the organization in which this new role should be created.
nameName of this role.
policiesAccess policies of this role in JSON format.
isImmutableCan this role be changed after creation?
tagsTag associated with this role.
LISTList all roles in your organization.
GET ONEGet a role by role ID.
idID of the role you want to get.
PATCHUpdate an existing role.
idID of the role you want to update.
DELETEDelete a role.
idID of the role you want to delete.
PasswordOnly required if you want to pre-populate the email, otherwise the user will get an email, and can set their own password
organizationIdID of organization the entity is part of
accountIdID of the Account the entity is under
roleIdID of the Role of this entity
EmailEmail of the entity
externalUserIdThis is an internal field
firstNameFirst name of entity
lastNameLast name of the entity
ScopeAccess control scope for this entity
teamIdID of the team this entity belongs to
phoneNumberPhone number of the entity, used for SMS events
EnabledIf the user is enabled or not (set to false to delete user)
isOrganizationOwnerIf the user has owner permissions for the organization
termsAcceptedIf the user has accepted the terms and conditions
lastLoggedInWhen the user last logged in
passwordHashHash of their password
isSingleSignOnIf the user authenticates through an SSO provider
smsOptInStatusIf the user has opted in to SMS notifications
RegionRegional Database that user information is stored in
isServiceAccountIf it is a service account (we won’t try to send an email when you create the user)
OrganizationOrganization object this user belongs to
AccountAccount object this entity belongs to
RoleRole this entity has
TeamTeam this entity is on
DevicesDevices this entity has access to
jobTitleJob title of the entity
LanguageLanguage preference for the user
UnitsMetric or imperial
TimezoneTimezone the user’s frontend should be
UserScopeWhat entities the user has access to
Roles:ScopeFilterWhat Roles a user with this scope can have access to
Users:ScopeFilterWhat Users a user with this scope can have access to
Teams:ScopeFilterWhat Teams a user with this scope can have access to
Devices:ScopeFilterWhat Devices a user with this scope can have access to
Fleets:ScopeFilterWhat Fleets a user with this scope can have access to
Events:ScopeFilterWhat Events a user with this scope can have access to
Views:ScopeFilterWhat Views a user with this scope can have access to
keyValue:ScopeFilterWhat keyValue entries a user with this scope can have access to
StartStart time of the filter
EndEnd time of the filter
deviceIdsSpecific devices that are part of the filter
NamesSpecific stream names that are part of the filter
TypesSpecific stream types that are part of the filter
TagsSpecific tags to match against for inclusion of the filter
notTagsSpecific tags to match against that will exclude entities from the filter
notNamesSpecific stream names that are not part of the filter
organizationIdID of Organization this team is part of
NameName of the team
roleIdID of Role that all team-members will be given
Scope: UserScopeUserScope that all team-members will be given
RoleRole that all team members have
UsersUsers in the team
OrganizationOrganization this team is part of
organizationIdID of Organization this Role is in
NameName of Role
PoliciesAccess Policies of the Role
isImmutableIf the Role is changeable or not
OrganizationOrganization this Role is under
UsersUsers that have this Role
TeamsTeams that use this role


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