Troubleshooting SSH connectivity

Run SSH with verbose logs

Running SSH with -vvv will produce additional logs which may be helpful for debugging purposes. (e.g. ssh -vvv mybot.formant)

Verify teleop connectivity

The connection process for SSH over fctl is similar to the teleop connection process. First, go through the Teleop connectivity document and verify that the Twilio network test ( passes and the specified ports and domains are open.

Verify SSH daemon is running

Next, make sure that an SSH daemon is running on the target device. If possible, verify that it is possible to establish an SSH connection through alternative means.

Verify *.formant ~/.ssh/config entry

Open ~/.ssh/config. Verify that there is an entry that reads:

Host *.formant
	ProxyCommand fctl port-forward $(echo %h | sed s/\.formant$//) -r -p %p

Contact Formant support

If you are still experiencing difficulties, please contact Formant support via [email protected] or Slack. Include the behavior you are seeing and any error logs.