Ingesting telemetry without an agent


When we refer to ingestion, we mean the process by which datapoints make their way into telemetry streams in the Formant Cloud and become queryable.

The primary way to do ingestion is with the Formant agent, Data ingestion from a device. This is for good reason - the agent provides buffering logic, has many automatic ingestion capabilities, has ROS capabilities, integrates with several adapters, and provides default telemetry streams.

Still, sometimes you may want to ingest directly without requiring an agent. The ingest method of the Cloud SDK is a good option in those situations.

When to ingest directly?

Sometimes it is impractical to use an agent to ingest data, such as when using a low-power embedded system, or a cloud server proxy for many devices.

You may also want to query, perform an analysis, and ingest side-by-side metadata on an analysis server.

Example of ingestion for each datapoint type

from import Client as FormantClient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # to authenticate set FORMANT_EMAIL and FORMANT_PASSWORD
    # environment variables for an existing service account
    # NOTE: the account must have administrator access to ingest data
    fclient = FormantClient()

    device_id = "572f5ff3-63e9-4687-b242-c0d8a4891d80"
    timestamp = 1609804800000
    tags = {"location": "sf"}

    # Ingests one of each datapoint type:
    # - numeric
    # - text
    # - json
    # - numeric set
    # - bitset
    # - battery
    # - health
    # - location
    # - point cloud
    # - file
    # - image
    # - video
    ingest_result = fclient.ingest(
            "items": [
                    "deviceId": device_id,
                    "name": "engine_temp",
                    "type": "numeric",
                    "tags": tags,
                    "points": [[timestamp, 100]],
                    "deviceId": device_id,
                    "name": "log_out",
                    "type": "text",
                    "tags": tags,
                    "points": [[timestamp, "some text"]],
                    "deviceId": device_id,
                    "name": "agg_status",
                    "type": "json",
                    "tags": tags,
                    "points": [[timestamp, '{"count": 20}']],
                    "deviceId": device_id,
                    "name": "temp",
                    "type": "numeric set",
                    "tags": tags,
                    "points": [
                                # unit is optional
                                {"label": "indoor", "value": 25, "unit": "C"},
                                {"label": "outdoor", "value": 10, "unit": "C"},
                    "deviceId": device_id,
                    "name": "lighting",
                    "type": "bitset",
                    "tags": tags,
                    "points": [
                                "keys": ["tail_lights", "head_lights"],
                                "values": [True, True],
                    "deviceId": device_id,
                    "name": "battery",
                    "type": "battery",
                    "tags": tags,
                    "points": [
                                "percentage": 0.99,  # 0 to 1
                                "voltage": 1,  # Volts (optional)
                                "current": 2,  # Amps (optional)
                                "charge": 3,  # Amp-hours (optional)
                    "deviceId": device_id,
                    "name": "health",
                    "type": "health",
                    "tags": tags,
                    "points": [
                                # status must be one of: "unknown", "operational", "offline" or "error"
                                "status": "operational",
                    "deviceId": device_id,
                    "name": "location",
                    "type": "location",
                    "tags": tags,
                    "points": [
                                "latitude": 16.917591,
                                "longitude": 149.179144,
                    "deviceId": device_id,
                    "name": "laser_scan",
                    "type": "point cloud",
                    "tags": tags,
                    "points": [
                                "url": "",
                                "size": 1000,  # bytes
                                # optional world frame reference
                                "worldToLocal": {
                                    "translation": {
                                        "x": 0,
                                        "y": 0,
                                        "z": 0,
                                    "rotation": {
                                        "x": 0,
                                        "y": 0,
                                        "z": 0,
                                        "w": 0,
                    "deviceId": device_id,
                    "name": "data_backup",
                    "type": "file",
                    "tags": tags,
                    "points": [
                                "url": "",
                                "filename": "foo.txt",
                                "size": 1000,  # bytes
                    "deviceId": device_id,
                    "name": "snapshot",
                    "type": "image",
                    "tags": tags,
                    "points": [
                                "url": "",
                                "size": 1000,  # bytes
                    "deviceId": device_id,
                    "name": "camera_feed",
                    "type": "video",
                    "tags": tags,
                    "points": [
                                "url": "",
                                "size": 1000,  # bytes
                                "duration": 60,  # seconds
                                "mimeType": "video/mp4",  # must be mp4